Saturday, September 3, 2011

Contributed by Mickey Trussell, Mirror Plant

I checked with our two very young historians Wanda Walker & Barbara Orr to help with some of the sales office history.

First… additions to ‘those who have left us’.

J.T. “Red” Hamby: started at mirror plant in June of 1947. Was the plant engineer when he retired in 1991, 44 years later. He earned the respect of everyone who met him and was affectionately referred to as Father Binswanger by many of us. He retired on Friday, 2/1/91 and died one week later of a heart attack. He was only 62.

Bill Walters started at the mirror plant in the ‘60’s. He later transferred to the Binswanger Mirror sales office on Lynnfield for a few years before becoming an outside sales rep for the mirror plant. He died in January of this year (2011).

Linnea Penn worked for Mirror Sales after the office was moved from Lynnfield to corporate. She transferred to the ChandlerAZ plant along with Helen Gillis around 1978. When the plant closed in 1985, she transferred to Grenada sales office. She stayed for a while and then left the company. She died sometimes in early ‘90’s as best we can remember.

Mirror Co Sales Office… as told by Barbara Orr & Wanda Walker. Norma G can add too, or confirm most of this as well.
  • Barbara Orr started with the sales office in 1968 when it was still located at Hollywood branch. In 1969, they moved to Poplar Ave, then to Lynnfield Rd in 1975, to corporate office at Ridgeway in 1982, and then she relocated to Grenada after we closed Chandler plant and ‘regional’ office. She took one year off 1972-1973, so her records show ONLY 38 years of service, but she actually has 42. She started when she was 6.

  • Wanda Walker started with sales office in 1971 on Poplar with Marshall Lewis, Sam Lamensdorf and others. She came to a Christmas party for the mirror plant in Grenada in 1976, met some scrawny kid on from the silverline and the rest is history. Benny & Wanda married in 1977 and she moved to Grenadawith a job at the plant. In 1978, they moved to Chandler AZ where Benny was over silverline. Wanda was 7 months pregnant. In 1981, they moved back toGrenada… Wanda was still pregnant. Fortunately not with same child.

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